
(idrc if u read all this byf but it's here if you're curious)

  • hi i'm mal

  • 24, she/her

  • adhd, autistic

  • PST

  • intj aquarius

  • i like dteam + foolish + hannah + pjo/hoo + taylor swift + the fourth wing

  • under 16

  • if you constantly tweet /neg (abt anyone, valid and constructive criticism is fine but don't use it to justify hate)

  • basic dni criteria ig

  • basically just be kind n use ur brain it's not that hard

  • if i dont fb it's probably bc i couldn't find your age on your acc or we don't have many moots in common

  • i don't tweet a lot of nsfw, but I'm gasp an adult so just be prepared for 18+ content

  • i'm pretty good abt it but i don't always remember TWs/tags bc i have memory/attention issues so apologies in advance

  • tone tags are handy (esp /j, /pos, & /s) but for the love of god research how to use them properly and don't overuse them, esp /neg

  • this acc is my escape and my safe space; i do my best to rt resources and spread awareness on trending issues, but don't mistake my lack of performative activism as not caring; i do that work irl where y'all just don't see